About Me

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Aloha! I'll do what makes me happy...be with who makes me smile..laugh as much as i breathe & love as long as i live....

Monday 30 May 2011

SiNaraN MunCuL keMbaLi

Hi...i'm back...Jumaat br ni aku received call from bengkel keta...katanya my herbie dh leh kuar....heheheh suka sgt2..excited...tk sangka lak cepat tui dorang wt...estimated 4 days tp 2 1/2 days jek dh leh siap...walaupun excited tp risau gk la kot2 lau dorang wt kije cincai jek kn...asal siap...so after kije ptg jumaat tu, aku pun g la menuju ke bengkel tersebut with My Bunny....excited sgt2 bila tgk my herbie dh sihat :D...dh hensem dh...tp tk macho cam dlu la...dpt bumper yang original blik...thanks tokei..harap2 herbie akan terus sihat dan akan berkhidmat untuk aku...

Hasta la Vista baby...Welcome hoMe...



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