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Aloha! I'll do what makes me happy...be with who makes me smile..laugh as much as i breathe & love as long as i live....

Saturday 21 May 2011

DuRiaN CaKe..

Hurmm....sebut pasal durian...mesti ramai org suka mkn durian kn..aku tk terkecuali..mmg minat sgt ngan durian ni...tk kisah la ape pun jenis makanan tu asalkan bersumberkan durian...aku akan mkn...kelmarin one of my colleague kt opis tu beli la 1 slice kek durian and di share 4 org...nk bg rasa katanya...sedap sgt2...mmg tk ckup la coz kami share 4 org kn...

So, smlm wktu lunch aku g mkn kt salah sebuah restaurant kt area opis ngan colleague.  Ghupe2nyer kt situ pun ade jual kek...pas je order makanan, aku terus menuju ke tmpt kek tu...nk tgk kot2 ade yg berkenan di hati...alih2 aku nmpak kek durian again...wow...hehehehe....lepas jek abih mkn..aku pun g la tapau 2 slice of durian cake tu...1 for me and another 1 for my Bunny...lau tk beli kt dia kang merajuk lak...ahaks...rege cake tu rm6.80/slice...before beli tu aku tnya kt org yg jual kek tu...'sedap tk?'dia ckp 'sedap'..aku jwp balik...'Lau tk sedap saya pulang blik ek kek ni'...:p tp mmg spt yg orang tu ckp la...sedap gilerr...mmg terasa durian tk dlm layer cake tu...berbaloi3...

here's the pics:-

Just 2 of us

Close up skit..



  1. Tengok je pon memang dah terliur nih.. hehehe.. kalau rasa ? nyum3.. cedapnyerrrrrr....

  2. hehehe...bak duit...leh beli lg...
